VIP experience MAZDA MX-5


Contest “VIP experience MAZDA MX-5”


 The contest is promoted by BRAVER ENTERTAINMENT, LDA., Headquartered at Rua da Fundição, no. 240, municipality of São João da Madeira, enrolled at the competent Commercial Registry Office under the single registration number and legal person 514 537 965 (“Promoter”).

The promoter is the organizer of the event RFM SOMNII and develops the present contest in partnership with Mazda Portugal.


 2.1 Participation in this contest is allowed for all individuals residing in mainland Portugal, over 18 years of age and who meet the requirements specified in this Regulation.

2.2 Prizes will not be awarded to traders or employees of the Promoter, MAZDA PORTUGAL, any company that participates in the organization of the Contest, companies that are in a domain or group relationship with those, agents or any other person or company professionally connected to the Contest, nor to their spouses, ascendants, descendants or brothers.

2.3. Participants will have to follow the official Instagram pages of RFM SOMNII and Mazda Portugal.


 The contest is valid from June 19, 2019 until 23:59 on June 23, 2019 (“Period of the Contest”).


 4.1 The contest aims to reward the participant who, fulfilling all the requirements of the present Regulation, makes an original phrase describing how his experience will be in RFM SOMNII behind the wheel of a MAZDA MX-5.

4.2 A jury indicated by the PROMOTER will choose the 3 winning phrases, according to the criteria established in the present Regulation.


 5.1 The participation is made in a publication on RFM SOMNII’s Instagram, where the participations in the comment box will be validated.

5.2 Participations must meet two (2) requirements:

– Originality;

– Context / reference to MAZDA and RFM SOMNII trademarks;

5.3 Participation in this Contest presupposes and implies that the participant declares and guarantees:

  • That he/she is the author of the sentence submitted for the purposes of participation in this Contest, and that this is an original creation, unpublished and was not used for the purpose of participation in another pastime, initiative or contest of third parties or the Promoter itself;
  • That his/her participation does not violate any third-party rights, namely, copyright, trademarks, or any other intellectual property, privacy, publicity or contractual rights, regardless of their nature;
  • That his/her participation does not violate the terms and conditions of this Regulation, nor any applicable laws or any other applicable regulation, guidance, or standard;
  • That his/her participation does not contain any unsolicited or unauthorized promotional elements, political campaigns, advertising, or any other form of solicitation;
  • That his/her participation does not contain any offensive, defamatory, threatening, abusive, vulgar, sexist, discriminatory or inappropriate material, nor is it intended to promote or incite violent, dangerous or antisocial behaviour.

5.4 The participations submitted will be validated by the Promoter who will verify if they comply with all the requirements of this Regulation. Only participations occurring during the Period of the Contest and that comply with all the requirements of this Regulation will be considered valid. Each user should only participate once. In case of more than one participation, only your first message will be evaluated.

The Braver Entertainment team reserves the right to eliminate any competitor (or even the winner) who exhibits inappropriate behaviour on his/her page during or after the contest.

  1. WINNER:

 6.1 The jury – composed of elements designated by PROMOTER – will evaluate the admitted participation and select the 3 (three) best phrases, according to the following criteria:

– Originality;

– Context / reference to MAZDA and RFM SOMNII brands.

6.2 The decision of the jury on the winner is final and cannot be reviewed. (even in cases not covered by it).

6.3 The winner will be contacted by email by June 28, 2019.

6.4 Winning participants must send their personal data (full name, e-mail address and citizen’s card number) only for the purpose of delivery of the prize, until the end of June 26, 2019. The sending of incomplete personal data can lead to the cancellation of the participations and the consequent loss of the status of winners and the prize, without the right to any compensation or replacement. After the deadline referred to in the previous point has not been submitted by the participant, or if he responds by renouncing the prize, he will lose his status as winner and, therefore, the right to the prize, even though he has been identified as the winner. In this case, no other winner will be announced.

  1. PRIZES:

 7.1 The winners will be offered 3 (three) days behind the wheel of a MAZDA MX-5; 3 (three) nights at the official RFM SOMNII hotel and 2 (two) VIP MAZDA MX-5 invitations for the 3 (three) days of RFM SOMNII.

7.1.1 The prize can only be used if the winner is over 18 years old and is of legal age.

7.2 The Prize cannot be exchanged for cash.

7.3 All other costs that the winner will incur in order to enjoy the prize, or within it, that are not described and contemplated as part of the prize, will be their sole responsibility.


 8.1 The terms and conditions of this Regulation apply to all participations made within the scope of this Contest and aim to protect all aspects of the relationship of the participant with the Promoter within the scope thereof.

8.2 Participants undertake to indemnify and hold harmless the Promoter from any liability, as well as any of its subsidiaries, affiliates, related companies, advertising and promotion agencies, and their respective administrators, managers, employees, agents and representatives for any losses, damages, rights, claims or actions of any nature arising, in whole or in part, directly or indirectly, from participation in the scope of this Contest.

8.3 Participation in this Contest implies the tacit declaration of the participant who, of his / her own free will and without requiring any consideration, authorizes that the sentence (s) submitted is subject to treatment for the purposes of participation in this Contest. Promotional and advertising of the same, authorizing the Promoter, the Organizer and / or third parties contracted by them, in particular, to publish, reproduce, print, edit, change, disseminate, use and exploit them without temporal or territorial limit, in any medium or support that the Promoter may deem convenient, namely, in the social networks of RFM SOMNII.

8.4 All entries contrary to the purposes of this Contest, in particular those that are in any way capable of affecting any of the related marks or the proper functioning of this Contest, shall be excluded from this Contest. In such cases, participants shall forfeit their right to participate, as well as the prize they have earned, without any right to compensation.

8.5 If, for any reason, it is not possible to guarantee the delivery of the prize indicated in these Regulations, the Promoter may replace it with another prize.

8.6 The Promoter reserves the right at any time to cease, alter, shorten, delay or prolong this Hobby or any aspect of it, without the participants being entitled to any kind of compensation. In case of changes, these will come into force on the date indicated by the Promoter or in the absence of indication immediately after the publication of the modified terms and conditions.

8.7 The Promoter shall not be liable, in particular, for: (i) lost, delayed, incomplete, invalid, lost or corrupted entries, which shall not be considered for participation in the Contest; (ii) any difficulties or impossibilities of contact with the winners or with the Promoter or the Organizer; (iii) any loss of messages or delayed deliveries by telecommunication operators or any Internet failures; (iv) inaccuracy of any data submitted by the participants; (v) loss or non-delivery of the prize, namely due to incorrect or incomplete address; (vi) any acts performed by participants, either in the participation or in the enjoyment of the Prize or any act of bad faith, namely participating in the Contest using false information, thus vitiating the same, in which case, if identified, will be automatically excluded, without prejudice to participation to the competent authorities; (vii) any unauthorized attempt to tamper with the Hobby Computer’s communications systems or communications, which will be considered illegal and reported to the appropriate authorities for due effect; (viii) property or casualty damages, incidents or accidents that the participants and / or their companions may suffer due to the receipt or enjoyment of the prizes to be awarded in the scope of the Contest.

8.8 User data may be disclosed to carefully selected third parties so that the participants may be contacted.

8.9 In case the user intends to disallow the use of his data to send information, he should contact Braver Entertainment through the help email

8.10 Braver Entertainment reserves the right to change this regulation at any time during this contest.

8.11 In the cases omitted in these Regulations, the decision taken by the Promoter shall prevail.

8.12 Participation in this Contest implies knowledge and acceptance of the terms of its Rules of Procedure, advising the Promoter to read the current and future terms and conditions of this Contest, and the participant who does not agree with them refrain from participating.

Lisbon, June 19, 2019